


Individual Contribution

Group Role
In Geriambience group, my main work is to build the liveable bathroom in the virtual world. Between the design part and programming part, my part is quite important to combine with other two parts. I must had changed some data or model if design part need improved this model,  then I need finish it in a short time to make that programming part have enough time to change the code or program.
week 2 disscuss the back brief
week 3 check australian standard and provide the database to Laura
week 4 Export some test file from Sketchup to Cryengine
Easter Break Export the First Rough Sketchup Model
week 6 Keep Exporting the rough sketchup model, Find and make some Sketchup model to build the whole city with Dan 
week 7 Discuss with Laura and change the design. then export the new sketchup model
week 8 Finish the exporting of the developed sketchup model
week 9 Renew a few model in cryengine to hlep Dan do the change of material.
week 10 Do some basic flowgraph in Cryengine.
week 11 Rebuild the whole environment.Using some models to make the town look like Australian Style city.
week 12 Look the UI tutorial. And do the video of the whole environment.
Week 13 Group Presentation
Individual Work
For my individual work, I had export the three houses from the sketchup to Cryengine. After the first exporting of the model, we had discus with the tutor, and Laura thought she must change the design. So, I need to renew all the model in Cryengine in a short term because the third part-programming need our Cryengine File to test their program. For the whole virtual world except these three houses, Dan and I had built an Australian style city. Because we didn’t pay attention to the style of the city, we also build the city again by download some model and change the material of such models. Finally , I had built some basic FlowGraph in the Cryengine.

Provide the database which from Australia Standard to Laura.

Top view of three houses. From the left to right the order is medium,small,large.

The top two images are the final project. The bottom image show the structure after the first exporting.The difference between the first exporting and the final project is that the location of  kitchen and  living room is changed.And some furnitures are changed.
Outside View of house.
Living Room
Large Toilet
Medium Toilet
Small Toilet
There are too many objects in one level, and this list could help me find  the specific object.Then I can move it or change it .

Give every object a unique name, then I can find it easier. And the programming part  also could save time to  find the project.

Reverse faces of some objects.And objects could show each  surface in cryengine.

Export the Gas Satation.
The models under the red range is edit by me.
This images show some Australian style houses and apartments we used in the  CryEnginge3.These models were searched by me and exported and edited by Dan Zhang.

The basic Flow Graph of handbasin, toilet door and shower nozzle is design by me.
This is the link of the whole environment in CryEngine3, and the change of some objects.

Group Reflection

For our group, because of a little speech block, we don’t discuss much more like other group. But we could try our best and use our skill to finish our project, not just be all talk and no deed. Finally we successfully combine everyone’s skill in this project. During this semester, this studio teach me how to collaborate every members’ skill and finish the group project in a good way.

Presentation Reflection-week11

Group Presentation 5:Remuneration(Group Name:Vivid)
Assessment Criteria
Clarity Of The Oral Presentation_Does the oral presentation communicate a clear,concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
This presentation is quite oppressive and like read their note of this topic.
Clarity Of The Written Presentation_Does the written presentation communicate a clear,concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
Audience could get a easy understanding by the written presentation.
Distinctiveness And Specificity Of The Examples_Are the examples used to elaborate the particular theme of collaboration distinctive and specific?
They prove some interesting and easy examples to audience.
Referencing_Are all sources of content properly referenced?
The Conceptual Context_Is it clear that the students have a strong grasp of the conceptual context of their theme of collaboration?
They need find some specific examples of this topic.
The Still Image_Do the still images support and extend our understanding of the Group Theoretical Position the students are presenting?
Most of the images cannot support their topic.


Presentation Reflection-Week 10

Group Presentation 4:Conflict(Group Name:DCLD)
Assessment Criteria
Clarity Of The Oral Presentation_Does the oral presentation communicate a clear,concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
Some of the group member just read their notes, and look like not familiar with their presentation.
Clarity Of The Written Presentation_Does the written presentation communicate a clear, concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
They have simple and clear written presentation.
Distinctiveness And Specificity Of The Examples_Are the examples used to elaborate the particular theme of collaboration distinctive and specific?
Although they give us some good example of Conflict. They haven't combine this topic with their design project.
Referencing_Are all sources of content properly referenced?
The Conceptual Context_Is it clear that the students have a strong grasp of the conceptual context of their theme of collaboration?
They give us some general example and different types of conflict.
The Still Image_Do the still images support and extend our understanding of the Group Theoretical Position the students are presenting?
The images are not good to combine with their topic.

Group Presentation 4:Conflict(Group Name:Kinecting the boxes)
Assessment Criteria
Clarity Of The Oral Presentation_Does the oral presentation communicate a clear, concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
The group members do more read of their material than present their topic in their own way.
Clarity Of The Written Presentation_Does the written presentation communicate a clear, concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
They got a good written presentation. And we can get more information from their writting.
Distinctiveness And Specificity Of The Examples_Are the examples used to elaborate the particular theme of  collaboration distinctive and specific?
Less example of their topic.
Referencing_Are all sources of content properly referenced?
The Conceptual Context_Is it clear that the students have a strong grasp of the conceptual context of their theme of collaboration?
They should give more examples to explain their topic. And combine the topic with their design project.
The Still Image_Do the still images support and extend our understanding of the Group Theoretical Position the students are presenting?
There were less image in the whole presentation.


Individual Milestone

For this project, our group`s main task is try to use the Cryengine3 and Kinect to imitate a automatically bathroom。My role is export all of the model which design by JingLiu from the Sketchup to Cryengine, then Dan Zhang could finish change material of this model. At first,Dan Zhang and me search some Australian Standard to provide the size of bathroom, then JingLiu could finish her design of bathroom.For building the city part of our virtual city, I also help DanZhang to change some material of this model which could make him be easir to put model in Cryengine3. After build the city. My main task is export all of these three different size of model in the Cryengine.
1.Some model which have too many facades can not export from Sketchup to Cryengine, I need go back to sketchup to change the model.
2.If put too many models in the Cryengine, it difficult to select the model what I want to use.
3.After the first time of exporting model, the robot could not go through every door. Then I need to change the size of the door.
4.If I use the robot to walk on the model, there will be the distorion of the model, some model will lose their material, and there are some programs`s problems.

couldn't show every facades before reverse the face in sketchup
Australian Standard database

hand basing can not export to cryengine because of too many facades

select the model which i want from the list

rename the model to reduce the time of selecting model

the image after first exporting

Reflection Presentation Wek8

Group Presentation 3:Intellectual Property(Interactive Architecture)
Clarity Of The Oral Presentation-Does the oral presentation communicate a clear, concise and appropritely delivered Group Theoretical Position?
They have a clearly oral presentation, make others be easy to understand what they said.
Clarity Of The Writtem Presentation-Does the written presentation communicate a clear,concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
They use some simple ways to introduce the process of different type of intellctual property.
Distinctiebness And Specificity Of The Examples-Are the examples used to elaborate the particular theme of collaboration distinctive and specific?
They prove us some easy-understand examples.And such examples are good to support their theme.
Referencing-Are all sources of content properly referenced?
All of their references are placing in the bottom of each example.
The Conceptual Context-Is it clear that the students ahve a strong grasp of the conceptual context of their theme of collaboration?
Yes, they have a strong grasp of their topic.
The Still Images-Do the still images support and extend our understanding of the Group Theoretical Position the sudents are presenting?
Their images are quite strong to support their examples.

Presentation Reflection Wek 7

Group Presentation 2:Communication(Shade of Black)
Clarity Of The Oral Presentation-Does the oral presentation communicate a clear, concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
The have a good oral presentation, not only read their document, and explain thier idea or example in a good way.
Clarity Of The Written Presentation-Does the written presentation communicate a clear,concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
They have a clearly, simply and perfect written presentation.They only use some key-words to prvide there topic.
Distinctivebness And Soecificity Of The Examples-Are the examples used to elaborate the particular theme of collaboration distinctive and specific?
They use strong and deeply example to elaborate their topic.
Referencing-Are all sources of content properly referenced?
All of their reference should put in one individual part.
The Conceptual Context-Is it clear that the students have a strong grasp of the conceptual context of their theme of collaboration?
The Still Images-Do the still images support and extend our understanding of the Group Theoretical Position the students are presenting?
Their image support their idea and expand the audience`s thinking.

Presentation Refeection Wek 6

Group Preseentation 1:Planning(3RD Construct)
Clarity Of The Oral Presentation-Does the oral presentation communicate a clear,concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
The oral presentation could make us understand their work clearly, but sometimes they just read their document. On the other hand, written presentation is better than oral presentation.
Clarity Of the written Presentation-Does the written presentation communicate a clear, concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
The written presentation give us a good result by useing the Prezi. The new style make the audience make close to their topic.
Distinctivebness And Specificity Of The Examples-Are the examples used to elaborate the particular theme of collaboration distinctive and specific?
They use some forceful examples to elaborate their theme.
Referencing-Are all sources of content properly referenced?
Yes, but they don't write their reference in one individual part.
The Conceptual Context-Is it clear that the students have a strong grasp of the conceptual context pf their theme of collaboration?
All of the members have a strong grasp.
The Still Images-Do the still images support and extend our understanding of the Group Theoretical Position the students are presenting?
Some of their images are so small.
