
Presentation Reflection-Week 10

Group Presentation 4:Conflict(Group Name:DCLD)
Assessment Criteria
Clarity Of The Oral Presentation_Does the oral presentation communicate a clear,concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
Some of the group member just read their notes, and look like not familiar with their presentation.
Clarity Of The Written Presentation_Does the written presentation communicate a clear, concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
They have simple and clear written presentation.
Distinctiveness And Specificity Of The Examples_Are the examples used to elaborate the particular theme of collaboration distinctive and specific?
Although they give us some good example of Conflict. They haven't combine this topic with their design project.
Referencing_Are all sources of content properly referenced?
The Conceptual Context_Is it clear that the students have a strong grasp of the conceptual context of their theme of collaboration?
They give us some general example and different types of conflict.
The Still Image_Do the still images support and extend our understanding of the Group Theoretical Position the students are presenting?
The images are not good to combine with their topic.

Group Presentation 4:Conflict(Group Name:Kinecting the boxes)
Assessment Criteria
Clarity Of The Oral Presentation_Does the oral presentation communicate a clear, concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
The group members do more read of their material than present their topic in their own way.
Clarity Of The Written Presentation_Does the written presentation communicate a clear, concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
They got a good written presentation. And we can get more information from their writting.
Distinctiveness And Specificity Of The Examples_Are the examples used to elaborate the particular theme of  collaboration distinctive and specific?
Less example of their topic.
Referencing_Are all sources of content properly referenced?
The Conceptual Context_Is it clear that the students have a strong grasp of the conceptual context of their theme of collaboration?
They should give more examples to explain their topic. And combine the topic with their design project.
The Still Image_Do the still images support and extend our understanding of the Group Theoretical Position the students are presenting?
There were less image in the whole presentation.

