Group Presentation 3:Intellectual Property(Interactive Architecture)
Clarity Of The Oral Presentation-Does the oral presentation communicate a clear, concise and appropritely delivered Group Theoretical Position?
They have a clearly oral presentation, make others be easy to understand what they said.
Clarity Of The Writtem Presentation-Does the written presentation communicate a clear,concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
They use some simple ways to introduce the process of different type of intellctual property.
Distinctiebness And Specificity Of The Examples-Are the examples used to elaborate the particular theme of collaboration distinctive and specific?
They prove us some easy-understand examples.And such examples are good to support their theme.
Referencing-Are all sources of content properly referenced?
All of their references are placing in the bottom of each example.
The Conceptual Context-Is it clear that the students ahve a strong grasp of the conceptual context of their theme of collaboration?
Yes, they have a strong grasp of their topic.
The Still Images-Do the still images support and extend our understanding of the Group Theoretical Position the sudents are presenting?
Their images are quite strong to support their examples.