Group Preseentation 1:Planning(3RD Construct)
Clarity Of The Oral Presentation-Does the oral presentation communicate a clear,concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
The oral presentation could make us understand their work clearly, but sometimes they just read their document. On the other hand, written presentation is better than oral presentation.
Clarity Of the written Presentation-Does the written presentation communicate a clear, concise and appropriately delivered Group Theoretical Position?
The written presentation give us a good result by useing the Prezi. The new style make the audience make close to their topic.
Distinctivebness And Specificity Of The Examples-Are the examples used to elaborate the particular theme of collaboration distinctive and specific?
They use some forceful examples to elaborate their theme.
Referencing-Are all sources of content properly referenced?
Yes, but they don't write their reference in one individual part.
The Conceptual Context-Is it clear that the students have a strong grasp of the conceptual context pf their theme of collaboration?
All of the members have a strong grasp.
The Still Images-Do the still images support and extend our understanding of the Group Theoretical Position the students are presenting?
Some of their images are so small.